Foundation funds family resource library

Reading, PA (Wednesday November 4, 2015)

The Diversity Alliance Fund of the Berks County Community Foundation has awarded Diakon Adoption & Foster Care a $2,100 grant to create a family resource library at the Reading Public Library.

The focus of the project is to create a center with resources materials of help to all families, but particularly those who are serving as adoptive or foster families, says Kathy Roach, regional director of Diakon Adoption & Foster Care.

“This grant,” she says, “provides needed resources to assist families in a variety of circumstances successfully deal with the complex challenges of being a foster or adoptive parent. Specifically, the grant will help to provide, among other materials, resources that positively address issues related to gay and lesbian adoptions and raising a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender child.”

The collection is being housed at the Reading library to ensure accessibility throughout Berks County through the interlibrary loan program. “The grant is deeply appreciated,” Roach adds.

Diakon Adoption & Foster Care serves children, youths and families throughout eastern Pennsylvania from an office in Topton.

For further information, please contact:
William Swanger, M.A., APR
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
(717) 795-0308