Diakon Youth Services vocational program benefits from BNY Mellon grant

Harrisburg, PA (Tuesday October 6, 2015)

Left to right are Timothy Bilger, Diakon's Office of Development; Gwenn Miller Ftohidis, Diakon director of grants & foundation relations; Richard Barger, Diakon EVP/treasurer; Trevor Hoffman, vice president, BNY Mellon Wealth Management; and David Sivel, senior director and team leader, BNY Mellon Central Pennsylvania.

Vocational training programs offered by Diakon Youth Services' Center Point Day Treatment Program gained a recent boost with the receipt of a $20,000 grant from the BNY Mellon Mid-Atlantic Charitable Trust

Based at the Diakon Wilderness Center near Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania, Center Point serves as an alternative to public school and offers, in addition to individualized education, vocational training in automotive mechanics, horticulture, and culinary services.

"We deeply appreciate this grant," says Jason Brode, regional director of Diakon Youth Services, "which provides needed support to our vocational efforts, designed to help prepare at-risk youths for successful careers and to become contributing members of society.

For further information, please contact:
William Swanger, M.A., APR
Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications
Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries
(717) 795-0308
E-mail: [email protected]